MadNLP Options
Primary options
These options are used to set the values for other options. The default values are inferred from the NLP model.
Termination tolerance. The default value is1e-8
for double precision. The solver terminates if the scaled primal, dual, complementary infeasibility is less thantol
. Valid range is $(0,\infty)$.callback::Type
Valid values are:MadNLP
The type of KKT system. Valid values areMadNLP
Linear solver used for solving primal-dual system. Valid values are: {MadNLP.UmfpackSolver
} (some may require using extension packages). The selected solver should be properly built in the build procedure. See file.
General options
iterator::Type = RichardsonIterator
Iterator used for iterative refinement. Valid values are: {MadNLPRichardson
uses Richardson iterationKrylov
uses restarted Generalized Minimal Residual method implemented in IterativeSolvers.jl.
blas_num_threads::Int = 1
Number of threads used for BLAS routines. Valid range is $[1,\infty)$.disable_garbage_collector::Bool = false
, Julia garbage collector is temporarily disabled while solving the problem, and then enabled back once the solution is complete.rethrow_error::Bool = true
, any internal error thrown byMadNLP
and interruption exception (triggered by the user via^C
) is caught, and not rethrown. If an error is caught, the solver terminates with an error message.
Output options
print_level::LogLevels = INFO
print level. Any message with level less thanprint_level
is not printed onstdout
. Valid values are:MadNLP
}.output_file::String = INFO
If not""
, the output log is teed to the file at the path specified inoutput_file
.file_print_level::LogLevels = TRACE
File print level; any message with level less thanfile_print_level
is not printed on the file specified inoutput_file
. Valid values are:MadNLP
Termination options
max_iter::Int = 3000
Maximum number of interior point iterations. The solver terminates with exit symbol:Maximum_Iterations_Exceeded
if the interior point iteration count exceedsmax_iter
.acceptable_tol::Float64 = 1e-6
Acceptable tolerance. The solver terminates if the scaled primal, dual, complementary infeasibility is less thanacceptable_tol
, foracceptable_iter
consecutive interior point iteration steps.acceptable_iter::Int = 15
Acceptable iteration tolerance. Valid rage is $[1,\infty)$.diverging_iterates_tol::Float64 = 1e20
Diverging iteration tolerance. The solver terminates with exit symbol:Diverging_Iterates
if the NLP error is greater thandiverging_iterates_tol
.max_wall_time::Float64 = 1e6
Maximum wall time for interior point solver. The solver terminates with exit symbol:Maximum_WallTime_Exceeded
if the total solver wall time exceedsmax_wall_time
.s_max::Float64 = 100.
NLP options
kappa_d::Float64 = 1e-5
fixed_variable_treatment::FixedVariableTreatments = MakeParameter
Valid values are:MadNLP
}.equality_treatment::FixedVariableTreatments = MakeParameter
Valid values are:MadNLP
}.jacobian_constant::Bool = false
, constraint Jacobian is only evaluated once and reused.hessian_constant::Bool = false
, Lagrangian Hessian is only evaluated once and reused.bound_push::Float64 = 1e-2
bound_fac::Float64 = 1e-2
hessian_approximation::Type = ExactHessian
quasi_newton_options::QuasiNewtonOptions = QuasiNewtonOptions()
inertia_correction_method::InertiaCorrectionMethods = INERTIA_AUTO
Valid values are:MadNLP
uses the strategy in Ipopt.INERTIA_FREE
uses the strategy in Chiang (2016).INERTIA_AUTO
if inertia information is available and usesINERTIA_FREE
inertia_free_tol::Float64 = 0.
Initialization Options
dual_initialized::Bool = false
dual_initialization_method::Type = kkt_system <: MadNLP.SparseCondensedKKTSystem ? DualInitializeSetZero : DualInitializeLeastSquares
constr_mult_init_max::Float64 = 1e3
nlp_scaling::Bool = true
, MadNLP scales the nonlinear problem during the resolution.nlp_scaling_max_gradient::Float64 = 100.
Hessian perturbation options
min_hessian_perturbation::Float64 = 1e-20
first_hessian_perturbation::Float64 = 1e-4
max_hessian_perturbation::Float64 = 1e20
perturb_inc_fact_first::Float64 = 1e2
perturb_inc_fact::Float64 = 8.
perturb_dec_fact::Float64 = 1/3
jacobian_regularization_exponent::Float64 = 1/4
jacobian_regularization_value::Float64 = 1e-8
Restoration options
soft_resto_pderror_reduction_factor::Float64 = 0.9999
required_infeasibility_reduction::Float64 = 0.9
Line-search options
obj_max_inc::Float64 = 5.
kappha_soc::Float64 = 0.99
max_soc::Int = 4
alpha_min_frac::Float64 = 0.05
s_theta::Float64 = 1.1
s_phi::Float64 = 2.3
eta_phi::Float64 = 1e-4
kappa_soc::Float64 = 0.99
gamma_theta::Float64 = 1e-5
gamma_phi::Float64 = 1e-5
delta::Float64 = 1
kappa_sigma::Float64 = 1e10
barrier_tol_factor::Float64 = 10.
rho::Float64 = 1000.
Barrier options
mu_init::Float64 = 1e-1
mu_min::Float64 = 1e-9
mu_superlinear_decrease_power::Float64 = 1.5
tau_min::Float64 = 0.99
mu_linear_decrease_factor::Float64 = .2
Linear Solver Options
Linear solver options are specific to the linear solver chosen at linear_solver
option. Irrelevant options are ignored and a warning message is printed.
Ma27 (requires MadNLPHSL
ma27_pivtol::Float64 = 1e-8
ma27_pivtolmax::Float64 = 1e-4
ma27_liw_init_factor::Float64 = 5.
ma27_la_init_factor::Float64 = 5.
ma27_meminc_factor::Float64 = 2.
Ma57 (requires MadNLPHSL
ma57_pivtol::Float64 = 1e-8
ma57_pivtolmax::Float64 = 1e-4
ma57_pre_alloc::Float64 = 1.05
ma57_pivot_order::Int = 5
ma57_automatic_scaling::Bool = false
ma57_block_size::Int = 16
ma57_node_amalgamation::Int = 16
ma57_small_pivot_flag::Int = 0
Ma77 (requires MadNLPHSL
ma77_buffer_lpage::Int = 4096
ma77_buffer_npage::Int = 1600
ma77_file_size::Int = 2097152
ma77_maxstore::Int = 0
ma77_nemin::Int = 8
ma77_order::Ma77.Ordering = Ma77.METIS
ma77_print_level::Int = -1
ma77_small::Float64 = 1e-20
ma77_static::Float64 = 0.
ma77_u::Float64 = 1e-8
ma77_umax::Float64 = 1e-4
Ma86 (requires MadNLPHSL
ma86_num_threads::Int = 1
ma86_print_level::Float64 = -1
ma86_nemin::Int = 32
ma86_order::Ma86.Ordering = Ma86.METIS
ma86_scaling::Ma86.Scaling = Ma86.SCALING_NONE
ma86_small::Float64 = 1e-20
ma86_static::Float64 = 0.
ma86_u::Float64 = 1e-8
ma86_umax::Float64 = 1e-4
Ma97 (requires MadNLPHSL
ma97_num_threads::Int = 1
ma97_print_level::Int = -1
ma97_nemin::Int = 8
ma97_order::Ma97.Ordering = Ma97.METIS
ma97_scaling::Ma97.Scaling = Ma97.SCALING_NONE
ma97_small::Float64 = 1e-20
ma97_u::Float64 = 1e-8
ma97_umax::Float64 = 1e-4
Mumps (requires MadNLPMumps
mumps_dep_tol::Float64 = 0.
mumps_mem_percent::Int = 1000
mumps_permuting_scaling::Int = 7
mumps_pivot_order::Int = 7
mumps_pivtol::Float64 = 1e-6
mumps_pivtolmax::Float64 = .1
mumps_scaling::Int = 77
Umfpack (requires MadNLPUmfpack
umfpack_pivtol::Float64 = 1e-4
umfpack_pivtolmax::Float64 = 1e-1
umfpack_sym_pivtol::Float64 = 1e-3
umfpack_block_size::Float64 = 16
umfpack_strategy::Float64 = 2.
Pardiso (requires MadNLPPardiso
pardiso_matching_strategy::Pardiso.MatchingStrategy = COMPLETE2x2
pardiso_max_inner_refinement_steps::Int = 1
pardiso_msglvl::Int = 0
pardiso_order::Int = 2
pardisomkl_num_threads::Int = 1
pardiso_matching_strategy::PardisoMKL.MatchingStrategy = COMPLETE2x2
pardisomkl_max_iterative_refinement_steps::Int = 1
pardisomkl_msglvl::Int = 0
pardisomkl_order::Int = 2
LapackGPU (requires MadNLPGPU
lapackgpu_algorithm::LapackGPU.Algorithms = BUNCHKAUFMAN
lapackcpu_algorithm::LapackCPU.Algorithms = BUNCHKAUFMAN
Iterator Options
richardson_max_iter::Int = 10
Maximum number of Richardson iteration steps. Valid range is $[1,\infty)$.richardson_tol::Float64 = 1e-10
Convergence tolerance of Richardson iteration. Valid range is $(0,\infty)$.richardson_acceptable_tol::Float64 = 1e-5
Acceptable convergence tolerance of Richardson iteration. If the Richardson iteration counter exceedsrichardson_max_iter
without satisfying the convergence criteria set withrichardson_tol
, the Richardson solver checks whether the acceptable convergence criteria set withrichardson_acceptable_tol
is satisfied; if the acceptable convergence criteria is satisfied, the computed step is used; otherwise, the augmented system is treated to be singular. Valid range is $(0,\infty)$.
Krylov (requires MadNLPIterative
krylov_max_iter::Int = 10
Maximum number of Krylov iteration steps. Valid range is $[1,\infty)$.krylov_tol::Float64 = 1e-10
Convergence tolerance of Krylov iteration. Valid range is $(0,\infty)$.krylov_acceptable_tol::Float64 = 1e-5
Acceptable convergence tolerance of Krylov iteration. If the Krylov iteration counter exceedskrylov_max_iter
without satisfying the convergence criteria set withkrylov_tol
, the Krylov solver checks whether the acceptable convergence criteria set withkrylov_acceptable_tol
is satisfied; if the acceptable convergence criteria is satisfied, the computed step is used; otherwise, the augmented system is treated to be singular. Valid range is $(0,\infty)$.krylov_restart::Int = 5
Maximum Krylov iteration before restarting. Valid range is $[1,\infty)$.
[Bunch, 1977]: J R Bunch and L Kaufman, Some stable methods for calculating inertia and solving symmetric linear systems, Mathematics of Computation 31:137 (1977), 163-179.
[Greif, 2014]: Greif, Chen, Erin Moulding, and Dominique Orban. "Bounds on eigenvalues of matrices arising from interior-point methods." SIAM Journal on Optimization 24.1 (2014): 49-83.
[Wächter, 2006]: Wächter, Andreas, and Lorenz T. Biegler. "On the implementation of an interior-point filter line-search algorithm for large-scale nonlinear programming." Mathematical programming 106.1 (2006): 25-57.
[Chiang, 2016]: Chiang, Nai-Yuan, and Victor M. Zavala. "An inertia-free filter line-search algorithm for large-scale nonlinear programming." Computational Optimization and Applications 64.2 (2016): 327-354.