MadNLP solver

MadNLP takes as input a nonlinear program encoded as a AbstractNLPModel and solve it using interior-point. The main entry point is the function madnlp:

MadNLPExecutionStats{T, VT} <: AbstractExecutionStats

Store the results returned by MadNLP once the interior-point algorithm has terminated.


In detail, the function madnlp builds a MadNLPSolver storing all the required structures in the solution algorithm. Once the MadNLPSolver instantiated, the function solve! is applied to solve the nonlinear program with MadNLP's interior-point algorithm.

MadNLPSolver(nlp::AbstractNLPModel{T, VT}; options...) where {T, VT}

Instantiate a new MadNLPSolver associated to the nonlinear program nlp::AbstractNLPModel. The options are passed as optional arguments.

The constructor allocates all the memory required in the interior-point algorithm, so the main algorithm remains allocation free.
