Warmstarting MadNLP

We use a parameterized version of the instance HS15 used in the introduction. This updated version of HS15Model stores the parameters of the model in an attribute nlp.params:

nlp = HS15Model()
[100.0, 1.0]

By default the parameters are set to [100.0, 1.0]. In a first solve, we find a solution associated to these parameters. We want to warmstart MadNLP from the solution found in the first solve, after a small update in the problem's parameters.


It is known that the interior-point method has a poor support of warmstarting, on the contrary to active-set methods. However, if the parameter changes remain reasonable and do not lead to significant changes in the active set, warmstarting the interior-point algorithm can significantly reduces the total number of barrier iterations in the second solve.


The warm-start described in this tutorial remains basic. Its main application is updating the solution of a parametric problem after an update in the parameters. The warm-start always assumes that the structure of the problem remains the same between two consecutive solves. MadNLP cannot be warm-started if variables or constraints are added to the problem.

Naive solution: starting from the previous solution

By default, MadNLP starts its interior-point algorithm at the primal variable stored in nlp.meta.x0. We can access this attribute using the function get_x0:

x0 = NLPModels.get_x0(nlp)
2-element Vector{Float64}:

Here, we observe that the initial solution is [0, 0].

We solve the problem using the function madnlp:

results = madnlp(nlp)
This is MadNLP version v0.8.5, running with umfpack

Number of nonzeros in constraint Jacobian............:        4
Number of nonzeros in Lagrangian Hessian.............:        3

Total number of variables............................:        2
                     variables with only lower bounds:        0
                variables with lower and upper bounds:        0
                     variables with only upper bounds:        1
Total number of equality constraints.................:        0
Total number of inequality constraints...............:        2
        inequality constraints with only lower bounds:        2
   inequality constraints with lower and upper bounds:        0
        inequality constraints with only upper bounds:        0

iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
   0  1.0000000e+00 1.01e+00 1.00e+00  -1.0 0.00e+00    -  0.00e+00 0.00e+00   0
   1  9.9758855e-01 1.00e+00 4.61e+01  -1.0 1.01e+00    -  4.29e-01 9.80e-03h  1
   2  9.9664309e-01 1.00e+00 5.00e+02  -1.0 4.81e+00    -  1.00e+00 9.93e-05h  1
   3  1.3615174e+00 9.99e-01 4.41e+02  -1.0 5.73e+02    -  9.98e-05 4.71e-04H  1
   4  1.3742697e+00 9.99e-01 3.59e+02  -1.0 3.90e+01    -  2.30e-02 2.68e-05h  1
   5  1.4692139e+00 9.99e-01 4.94e+02  -1.0 5.07e+01    -  2.76e-04 1.46e-04h  1
   6  3.1727722e+00 9.97e-01 3.76e+02  -1.0 8.08e+01    -  1.88e-06 9.77e-04h  11
   7  3.1726497e+00 9.97e-01 2.12e+02  -1.0 9.98e-01    -  1.00e+00 7.94e-04h  1
   8  8.2350196e+00 9.85e-01 4.29e+02  -1.0 1.51e+01    -  1.44e-03 7.81e-03h  8
   9  8.2918294e+00 9.84e-01 4.71e+02  -1.0 3.94e+00    -  2.51e-01 2.49e-04h  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
  10  4.0282504e+01 8.72e-01 4.57e+02  -1.0 4.94e+00    -  1.00e+00 6.25e-02h  5
  11  2.8603735e+02 2.66e-01 4.85e+02  -1.0 1.16e+00    -  5.54e-01 5.00e-01h  2
  12  3.9918132e+02 6.89e-03 2.90e+02  -1.0 1.90e-01    -  8.75e-01 1.00e+00h  1
  13  3.9783737e+02 3.06e-04 2.86e+02  -1.0 4.68e-02    -  2.50e-02 1.00e+00h  1
  14  3.5241265e+02 2.33e-02 2.70e+01  -1.0 4.59e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  15  3.5876922e+02 7.37e-03 4.63e+00  -1.0 2.66e-01    -  6.99e-01 1.00e+00h  1
  16  3.6046938e+02 7.34e-05 8.17e-03  -1.0 3.14e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  17  3.6038250e+02 2.71e-07 8.49e-05  -2.5 1.42e-03    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  18  3.6037976e+02 2.63e-10 7.95e-08  -5.7 4.63e-05    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  19  3.6037976e+02 1.11e-16 5.96e-14  -8.6 3.06e-08    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1

Number of Iterations....: 19

                                   (scaled)                 (unscaled)
Objective...............:   3.6037976240508465e+02    3.6037976240508465e+02
Dual infeasibility......:   5.9563010060664200e-14    5.9563010060664200e-14
Constraint violation....:   1.1102230246251565e-16    1.1102230246251565e-16
Complementarity.........:   1.5755252497604069e-09    1.5755252497604069e-09
Overall NLP error.......:   1.5755252497604069e-09    1.5755252497604069e-09

Number of objective function evaluations             = 47
Number of objective gradient evaluations             = 20
Number of constraint evaluations                     = 47
Number of constraint Jacobian evaluations            = 20
Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations             = 19
Total wall-clock secs in solver (w/o fun. eval./lin. alg.)  =  3.811
Total wall-clock secs in linear solver                      =  0.000
Total wall-clock secs in NLP function evaluations           =  0.000
Total wall-clock secs                                       =  3.811

EXIT: Optimal Solution Found (tol = 1.0e-08).

MadNLP converges in 19 barrier iterations. The solution is:

println("Objective: ", results.objective)
println("Solution:  ", results.solution)
Objective: 360.37976240508465
Solution:  [-0.7921232178470455, -1.2624298435831807]

Solution 1: updating the starting solution

We have found a solution to the problem. Now, what happens if we update the parameters inside nlp?

nlp.params .= [101.0, 1.1]
2-element Vector{Float64}:

As MadNLP starts the algorithm at nlp.meta.x0, we pass the previous solution to the initial vector:

copyto!(NLPModels.get_x0(nlp), results.solution)
2-element Vector{Float64}:

Solving the problem again with MadNLP, we observe that MadNLP converges in only 6 iterations:

results_new = madnlp(nlp)
This is MadNLP version v0.8.5, running with umfpack

Number of nonzeros in constraint Jacobian............:        4
Number of nonzeros in Lagrangian Hessian.............:        3

Total number of variables............................:        2
                     variables with only lower bounds:        0
                variables with lower and upper bounds:        0
                     variables with only upper bounds:        1
Total number of equality constraints.................:        0
Total number of inequality constraints...............:        2
        inequality constraints with only lower bounds:        2
   inequality constraints with lower and upper bounds:        0
        inequality constraints with only upper bounds:        0

iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
   0  3.6431987e+02 1.00e-02 5.30e+01  -1.0 0.00e+00    -  0.00e+00 0.00e+00   0
   1  3.5966077e+02 9.78e-03 3.35e+01  -1.0 9.46e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.97e-02h  1
   2  3.6511632e+02 1.62e-04 3.18e-01  -1.0 3.10e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
   3  3.6443966e+02 1.27e-05 3.40e-04  -1.7 1.00e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
   4  3.6432064e+02 4.57e-07 4.25e-05  -3.8 1.92e-03    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
   5  3.6431987e+02 3.20e-11 3.56e-09  -5.7 1.61e-05    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
   6  3.6431986e+02 3.66e-15 3.55e-13  -9.0 1.78e-07    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1

Number of Iterations....: 6

                                   (scaled)                 (unscaled)
Objective...............:   5.9863692672462129e+01    3.6431986176592244e+02
Dual infeasibility......:   3.5527136788005009e-13    2.1621188045252371e-12
Constraint violation....:   3.6637359812630166e-15    3.6637359812630166e-15
Complementarity.........:   1.4944579942401076e-10    9.0950074338964201e-10
Overall NLP error.......:   9.0950074338964201e-10    9.0950074338964201e-10

Number of objective function evaluations             = 7
Number of objective gradient evaluations             = 7
Number of constraint evaluations                     = 7
Number of constraint Jacobian evaluations            = 7
Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations             = 6
Total wall-clock secs in solver (w/o fun. eval./lin. alg.)  =  0.001
Total wall-clock secs in linear solver                      =  0.000
Total wall-clock secs in NLP function evaluations           =  0.000
Total wall-clock secs                                       =  0.001

EXIT: Optimal Solution Found (tol = 1.0e-08).

By decreasing the initial barrier parameter, we can reduce the total number of iterations to 5:

results_new = madnlp(nlp; mu_init=1e-7)
This is MadNLP version v0.8.5, running with umfpack

Number of nonzeros in constraint Jacobian............:        4
Number of nonzeros in Lagrangian Hessian.............:        3

Total number of variables............................:        2
                     variables with only lower bounds:        0
                variables with lower and upper bounds:        0
                     variables with only upper bounds:        1
Total number of equality constraints.................:        0
Total number of inequality constraints...............:        2
        inequality constraints with only lower bounds:        2
   inequality constraints with lower and upper bounds:        0
        inequality constraints with only upper bounds:        0

iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
   0  3.6431987e+02 1.00e-02 5.30e+01  -7.0 0.00e+00    -  0.00e+00 0.00e+00   0
   1  3.5960153e+02 9.81e-03 3.36e+01  -7.0 1.10e+00    -  1.00e+00 1.74e-02h  1
   2  3.6432961e+02 7.65e-05 5.35e-01  -7.0 1.97e-02    -  9.75e-01 1.00e+00h  1
   3  3.6431986e+02 1.20e-08 1.48e-05  -7.0 2.52e-04    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
   4  3.6431986e+02 2.43e-14 9.52e-13  -7.0 4.87e-07    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
   5  3.6431986e+02 2.22e-16 2.84e-14  -9.0 9.55e-09    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1

Number of Iterations....: 5

                                   (scaled)                 (unscaled)
Objective...............:   5.9863692672462285e+01    3.6431986176592341e+02
Dual infeasibility......:   2.8421709430404007e-14    1.7296950436201898e-13
Constraint violation....:   2.2204460492503131e-16    2.2204460492503131e-16
Complementarity.........:   1.4937865084190974e-10    9.0909208897731444e-10
Overall NLP error.......:   9.0909208897731444e-10    9.0909208897731444e-10

Number of objective function evaluations             = 6
Number of objective gradient evaluations             = 6
Number of constraint evaluations                     = 6
Number of constraint Jacobian evaluations            = 6
Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations             = 5
Total wall-clock secs in solver (w/o fun. eval./lin. alg.)  =  0.001
Total wall-clock secs in linear solver                      =  0.000
Total wall-clock secs in NLP function evaluations           =  0.000
Total wall-clock secs                                       =  0.001

EXIT: Optimal Solution Found (tol = 1.0e-08).

The final solution is slightly different from the previous one, as we have updated the parameters inside the model nlp:

2-element Vector{Float64}:

Similarly as with the primal solution, we can pass the initial dual solution to MadNLP using the function get_y0. We can overwrite the value of y0 in nlp using:

copyto!(NLPModels.get_y0(nlp), results.multipliers)

In our particular example, setting the dual multipliers has only a minor influence on the convergence of the algorithm.

Advanced solution: keeping the solver in memory

The previous solution works, but is wasteful in resource: each time we call the function madnlp we create a new instance of MadNLPSolver, leading to a significant number of memory allocations. A workaround is to keep the solver in memory to have more fine-grained control on the warm-start.

We start by creating a new model nlp and we instantiate a new instance of MadNLPSolver attached to this model:

nlp = HS15Model()
solver = MadNLP.MadNLPSolver(nlp)
Interior point solver

number of variables......................: 2
number of constraints....................: 2
number of nonzeros in lagrangian hessian.: 3
number of nonzeros in constraint jacobian: 4
status...................................: INITIAL

Note that

nlp === solver.nlp

Hence, updating the parameter values in nlp will automatically update the parameters in the solver.

We solve the problem using the function solve!:

results = MadNLP.solve!(solver)
"Execution stats: Optimal Solution Found (tol = 1.0e-08)."

Before warmstarting MadNLP, we proceed as before and update the parameters and the primal solution in nlp:

nlp.params .= [101.0, 1.1]
copyto!(NLPModels.get_x0(nlp), results.solution)
2-element Vector{Float64}:

MadNLP stores in memory the dual solutions computed during the first solve. One can access to the (scaled) multipliers as

2-element Vector{Float64}:

and to the multipliers of the bound constraints with

[solver.zl.values solver.zu.values]
4×2 Matrix{Float64}:
   0.0        1.93936e-9
   0.0        0.0
 477.17       0.0
   3.1262e-9  0.0

If we call the function solve! a second-time, MadNLP will use the following rule:

  • The initial primal solution is copied from NLPModels.get_x0(nlp)
  • The initial dual solution is directly taken from the values specified in solver.y, solver.zl and solver.zu. (MadNLP is not using the values stored in nlp.meta.y0 in the second solve).

As before, it is advised to decrease the initial barrier parameter: if the initial point is close enough to the solution, this reduces drastically the total number of iterations. We solve the problem again using:

MadNLP.solve!(solver; mu_init=1e-7)
The options set during resolve may not have an effect
  19  3.6431987e+02 1.11e-16 3.24e+00  -7.0 3.06e-08    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
  20  3.6431986e+02 1.31e-08 2.85e-04  -7.0 3.61e-04    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  21  3.6431986e+02 5.72e-13 9.59e-11  -7.0 2.38e-06    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  22  3.6431986e+02 3.33e-16 2.95e-14  -9.0 1.57e-09    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1

Number of Iterations....: 22

                                   (scaled)                 (unscaled)
Objective...............:   3.6431986176130016e+02    3.6431986176130016e+02
Dual infeasibility......:   2.9483973221675962e-14    2.9483973221675962e-14
Constraint violation....:   3.3306690738754696e-16    3.3306690738754696e-16
Complementarity.........:   5.6584736895854676e-10    5.6584736895854676e-10
Overall NLP error.......:   5.6584736895854676e-10    5.6584736895854676e-10

Number of objective function evaluations             = 51
Number of objective gradient evaluations             = 24
Number of constraint evaluations                     = 51
Number of constraint Jacobian evaluations            = 25
Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations             = 23
Total wall-clock secs in solver (w/o fun. eval./lin. alg.)  =  0.391
Total wall-clock secs in linear solver                      =  0.000
Total wall-clock secs in NLP function evaluations           =  0.000
Total wall-clock secs                                       =  0.392

EXIT: Optimal Solution Found (tol = 1.0e-08).

Three observations are in order:

  • The iteration count starts directly from the previous count (as stored in solver.cnt.k).
  • MadNLP converges in only 4 iterations.
  • The factorization stored in solver is directly re-used, leading to significant savings. As a consequence, the warm-start does not work if the structure of the problem changes between the first and the second solve (e.g, if variables or constraints are added to the constraints).